Man who opened orphanage jailed under pedophile charges

This report by Day Start in All Voices shows us the gravity of the problem of child abuse in Cambodia. The most worrying is the number of benefactors who send funds to any organization that claims to support vulnerable children. As we insisted, working in prevention must be an obligation of everyone: governments, NGOs, benefactors, social workers. Authorities, for example, should be more strict with anyone who come to Cambodia to found orphanages. Benefactors should be more strict in sending funds to organizations. Let’s read this report dated March 23:

‘A PAEDOPHILE in charge of an orphanage has been jailed for abusing the children he was caring for in Cambodia. Nicholas Griffin was arrested last October after leaving the UK in 2006 and setting up the Cambodia Orphan Fund in Siem Reap a year later. Griffin, 53 has been sentenced to two years for offences against children. One sentence was suspended.’ Read more on site…